Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the most beautiful constellation that changes all the time.

so i know it's been a looong while since i last posted. i've had my bone marrow transplant. if you want the details of that endeavor, you should take a look at my mothers blog. it's got more of the details of the complications. and believe me, there were complications. i came out with a clot in my jugular, along with a bunch of other things, i got veno-occlusive disease for a week. gained and lost 20kg over the course of 2 weeks. had at least 2 mini strokes. to put it simply, it was nothing short of a roller coaster ride. I've gotten at least 2 things from this though. 1st of all, I'm still alive, and presumably cancer free. which i am eternally grateful for. second of all, something inside me broke in all this, and i am a different person. i can't explain it really. except that i don't get mad. instead, i get sad. i don't keep bad things in anymore. i let them out. that's the best explanation i can give.

Friday, January 8, 2010

airships fill the sky

(picture by Jakob Montrasio )
hey kids. it's that time again. i've fallen a little behind updating this puppy. but i'll try to keep you in the know. um... let's see. got a central line infection. they pulled it. put me on more antibiotics than I thought possible. but other than that, things have been good. yeah. and even that wasn't very bad. on the plus side, i've discovered the wonderfulness that is logic pro. so i've sample cutting to my little hearts content. i daresay in the next few weeks some new tracks should rear their ugly heads over at soundcloud... so keep your ear to the ground...
oh and great free music for you. if you're into that: i think my favorite is the peter kirn track. but listen for yourself. make up your own mind...